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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

The office of Campus Safety responds to all criminal or emergency calls on the Batavia campus. All full-time officers have completed an A.A.S. degree or better and have experience in the field of law enforcement. All officers must be licensed by the State of New York under the Security Act, attend on the job training, first aid, CPR and AED training, and receive a minimum of 40 hours of continuous training each year to update their skills. Campus safety is responsible of enforcement of all federal, state, county laws as well as all college regulations. Each Campus Center has its own set of safety precautions. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contacting Campus Safety

Campus Safety may be contacted in a variety of ways:

  • For all calls to Campus Safety, call x6500 from any office phone, or call 585-345-6500 from off-campus or from your cell phone.
  • By email:
  • Fill out the Incident Reporting Form
  • If you witness a crime and you wish to report it anonymously use the Silent Witness Form
  • For 24/7 service outside of the Batavia campus building, Emergency Blue Light Phones are available and are directly connected to campus safety’s emergency phone line. There are eight emergency blue light phones located in high-traffic areas of the Batavia Campus.
    • Location of the phones:Aerial photo of GCC Campus, oriented with north at the top. The location of Blue Light phones is marked using numbers.
      1. College Village Walkway (on path leading east toward College Village)
      2. Library Walkway (near southeast corner of main building)
      3. Tech Lot (on north edge of parking lot outside Tech Building)
      4. Main Sidewalk Spine (near west end of sidewalk spine)
      5. North Lot elevated sidewalk (near midpoint of elevated sidewalk from main building to Richard C. Call Arena)
      6. Richard C. Call Arena (RCCA) (at west end of elevated sidewalk from main building to RCCA)
      7. Student Succeess Center (SSC) (near the northwest corner of the SSC)
      8. College Village Hall (at center of College Village)
    • To use the phones: press the red button on the outside of the phone and you will immediately be connected to the Campus Safety emergency phone line. A blue light will flash at the phone so that the responding Campus Safety Officer(s) or emergency response personnel can more easily locate you. All campus safety Officers wear uniforms so they are easily identified.
    • When connected: state the nature of your emergency. Wait for further instructions. If possible, stay near the phone, or go to the nearest lighted area or building entrance that you can see from the phone.

Each officer also carries a two-way radio so he/she is in contact with the campus safety office at all times.

Crime Prevention and Reports

GCC is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their safety and security. The College offers a variety of programs to help students, faculty and staff stay safe. Those programs are outlined in detail in the Campus Crime Report below. The campus also works with local law enforcement to keep the College community safe.

Local Law Enforcement

The GCC Campus Safety staff includes a staff of New York State Licensed campus safety Officers.  In the event of a crime on the Batavia campus, campus safety will act as first responders, investigate and then call the Genesee County Sheriff or State Police. It is the policy of Genesee’s campus safety Staff to assist with arrests. The campus safety Staff reports any major College crime incidents to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office or State Police.

Registered Sex Offenders Report

According to Section 170101 (j) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1999, all persons who have been convicted of a sexually violent offense or a criminal offense against a minor must be registered with local law enforcement agencies. Students and employees who wish to know who has been convicted of such of crimes can request this information from:

  • The City of Batavia Police Department
    10 West Main Street; Batavia, NY 14020; (584) 343-8180
  • The Genesee County Sheriff’s Department
    165 Park Road; Batavia, NY, 14020 (585) 343-5000
  • Online at the NYS Sex Offender Registry
  • Daniel Coffey, Director of Campus Safety, GCC
    One College Rd; Batavia, NY, 14020 (585) 343-0055 x6847

Services Provided by Campus Safety

The Campus Safety department at Genesee Community College in Batavia offers many services to students, faculty, staff and the entire College community.

Escort Service

Campus Safety will escort you to your vehicle upon request. Students are encouraged to stop at the Campus Safety office (B118) before class if you wish to use an escort, so an officer will be available. If an officer cannot be found, go to the switchboard and the operator will assist in locating an officer.

Vehicle Assistance

Campus Safety will provide jump starts and other vehicle assistance services as needed once the owner of the vehicle provides proper identification.

Emergency Message

If an emergency exists concerning an individual, notification may be left at the Campus Safety office via phone or in person. The officer will do his or her best to locate the individual. Please note, a class can only be interrupted if the message is a true emergency.

First Aid

Campus Safety will provide first aid during the day and evening hours when the College’s Health Services office is closed.

Lost and Found Items

Lost items are generally turned in to the Campus Safety office. If you lose something, check with the officer on duty several times because items are turned in frequently throughout the day by both students and employees. Lost items are kept for 30-90 days depending on value then disposed of.

Student Safety Patrol (SSP)

The objectives of the new Student Safety Patrol (SSP) are to enhance the level of security patrol presence, particularly in campus buildings, and ensure a high level of personal safety for those working, studying, or living on or near the campus. In addition, SSP provides an opportunity for volunteer duties for Criminal Justice students who have a career interest in law enforcement, campus safety, or security. The Student Safety Patrol also assists the college Campus Safety staff to achieve their operational objectives and target special security and safety needs.

Students become eligible for the program when they complete the NYS Security Guard training course. The security guard training is offered several times a year through the College’s BEST Center. Students who enroll in CRJ120: Intro to Security also receive the training. To register for the NYS Security Guard training course visit The BEST Center.

Student Safety Patrollers augment Campus Safety services by performing the following light security details (non-police functions) in and around the College:

  • Patrol all campus buildings as a visible deterrent and community resource
  • Assist as directed during critical incidents, at Campus Safety’s discretion
  • Observe and report any suspicious/criminal activity observed on patrol
  • Perform customer service duties when required
  • Audits of campus lighting, emergency phones, access card systems
  • Fire safety equipment checks
  • Assist with control of vehicle/pedestrian traffic during events
  • Safe-walk (escort) service provided as requested
  • Perform the receptionist function in Campus Safety as assigned
  • Other non-law enforcement duties as assigned.

For further information or to join the SSP program, contact Barry Garigen, Criminal Justice professor at Genesee, at 585-343-0055 x6307 or .

Policies and Procedures

Basic emergency procedures are designed to enhance the protection of lives and property through effective use of college and community resources. Emergencies may be sudden and without warning, the following procedures are designed to be flexible in an effort to accommodate all contingencies. Further, since the succession of events is not predictable in an emergency, the support and operational plans in each type of emergency are intended to serve as a guide and checklist and may require modification in order to meet the requirements of the emergency.

The following are a sampling of Genesee Community College’s policies and procedures regarding campus closings, class cancellation, smoking and parking. Student and employee policies can be found within myGCC.

Learn These Terms

Shelter in Place

Examples:  High-wind warnings, or air quality testing after a nearby chemical spill

  • Remain inside the building. 
  • Lock windows and exterior doors. 
  • Continue business and classes as usual. 
  • Await further instruction.


Example:  Local police investigation or search for a dangerous person outside the building

  • Remain inside the building. 
  • Lock windows and exterior doors. 
  • Continue business and classes as usual. 
  • Await further instruction.


Example:  Imminent threat to our building population, such as an active shooter

    • Remain inside your office or classroom.
    • Stop what you are doing, remain silent, and hide behind a secured door.
    • Turn off lights and stay out of sight of windows.
    • Silence phones.
    • Await further instruction.
GCC Flag

GCC Alert Information

In the event of an emergency, the college may issue an alert to all subscribers of the GCC ALERT emergency notification system. You can receive these messages by telephone (voice and/or text message), e-mail or fax. If you are already signed-up, please review your information for accuracy.

To register for GCC ALERT or review current information:

  • Visit the College Web site
  • Click “Login to myGCC” and enter your user name and password
  • Click the “Student” tab
  • Click “Banner Self-Service” in the left column
  • Click the “Personal Information” tab
  • Click “Personal Information”
  • Click “Emergency Alert Contact Information (GCC Alert)”
  • Complete the GCC Alert form
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